Race, Religion, and Black Lives Matter: Essays on a Moment and a Movement, co-edited with Christopher Cameron (Vanderbilt University Press, 2021), Black Lives and Liberation Series
Citizen of the World: The Late Career and Legacy of W. E. B. Du Bois, editor (Northwestern University Press, 2019), Critical Insurgencies Series
Salvation with a Smile: Joel Osteen, Lakewood Church, and American Christianity (New York University Press, 2015)
Protest and Propaganda: W. E. B. Du Bois, The Crisis and American History, co-edited with Amy Helene Kirschke (University of Missouri Press, 2014)
Christians and the Color Line: Race and Religion After Divided by Faith, co-edited with J. Russell Hawkins (Oxford University Press, 2013)
Holy Mavericks: Evangelical Innovators and America’s Spiritual Marketplace, co-authored with Shayne Lee (New York University Press, 2009)
In Progress: Shirley Graham Du Bois: Artist, Activist, and Author in the African Diaspora, co-edited with Annette K. Joseph-Gabriel (University of Pennsylvania Press, under contract)
Freedom Routes: W. E. B. Du Bois's Diasporic Imagination (University of Illinois Press, under contract), Black Internationalism Series
W. E. B. Du Bois's Archives: An Intellectual History (University of Massachusetts Press, under contract), African American Intellectual History Series
Scholarly Articles and Essays: “W.E.B. Du Bois’s The Philadelphia Negro: A Book History,” Sociology of Race and Ethnicity 10/1 (January 2024): 159-167.
"The Prosperity Gospel in U.S. History and Culture," in Understanding and Teaching Religion in American History, eds. Karen Johnson and Jonathan Yeager (University of Wisconsin Press, 2024), 235-248.
""Dr. Du Bois gave me complete access to his Papers": Herbert Aptheker's Editorial History with W.E.B. Du Bois's Papers and Manuscripts," Phylon 60/1 (Summer 2023): 3-35.
"Introduction: Du Bois Has Left Us, But He Has Not Died," in Forging Freedom in W. E. B. Du Bois’s Twilight Years: No Deed but Memory, editor and contributor (University Press of Mississippi, 2023), 3-14.
"Blessed Are The Peacemakers, for They Shall Be Called Communists: W.E.B. Du Bois and American Religious Culture, 1935-1963, in Forging Freedom in W. E. B. Du Bois’s Twilight Years: No Deed but Memory, editor and contributor (University Press of Mississippi, 2023), 147-172.
"Sandy Speaks: The Digital Resurrection of Sandra Bland's Religious History," in Activism in the Name of God: Religion and Black Feminist Public Intellectuals From the Nineteenth Century to the Present, ed. Jami Carlacio (University Press of Mississippi, 2023), 267-285.
"W.E.B. Du Bois's In Battle for Peace: A Black Radical Intellectual Book History," American Communist History 21/3-4 (2022): 150-174.
"W.E.B. Du Bois's In Battle for Peace: Historical and Political Perspectives," American Communist History 21/3-4 (2022): 145-149. [Guest co-editor introduction on In Battle for Peace commemorative issue co-written with Denise Lynn]
"Comrades in the Struggle for Freedom: Gerald Horne and W.E.B. Du Bois," Phylon 59/1 (Summer 2022): 107-127.
"'An Impressive Basis for Research:' Arna Bontemps' Co-Creation of the W.E.B. Du Bois Collection at Fisk University," The Black Scholar 52/2 (2022): 50-62.
"Quarantining With(out) the Houston Astros, Part 2: Astrodome Addition/Edition," NINE: A Journal of Baseball History and Culture 29/1-2 (Fall-Spring 2020-2021): 45-58.
"Introduction" (co-authored with Christopher Cameron), in Race, Religion, and Black Lives Matter: Essays on a Moment and a Movement, co-edited with Christopher Cameron (Vanderbilt University Press, 2021), 1-14.
"Black Lives Matter and American Evangelicalism: Conflict and Consonance in History and Culture," in Race, Religion, and Black Lives Matter: Essays on a Moment and a Movement, co-edited with Christopher Cameron (Vanderbilt University Press, 2021), 276-304.
"The Black Futures of W. E. B. Du Bois," in Critical Black Futures: Speculative Theories and Explorations, ed. Philip Reed-Butler (Palgrave MacMillan, 2021), 19-36.
"Quarantining With(out) the Houston Astros: A Meditation on Meaning in the Mist of Memories," NINE: A Journal of Baseball History and Culture 28/1-2 (Fall-Spring 2019-2020): 113-118.
"Skipp Coon: Race, Religion, and Black Radical History in Hip Hop," in Beyond Christian Hip Hop: A Move Towards Christians and Hip Hop, eds. Erika Gault and Travis Harris (Routledge, 2020), 162-178.
"'Hold sacred strong and purposeful art': W. E. B. Du Bois and Poetry," Phylon 56 (Summer 2019): 156-179.
“Introduction: ‘To Know and Think and Tell the Truth as I See It,’” in Citizen of the World: The Late Career and Legacy of W. E. B. Du Bois, ed. Phillip Luke Sinitiere (Northwestern University Press, 2019), 3-9.
“‘A Legacy of Scholarship and Struggle’: W. E. B. Du Bois’s Life After Death,” in Citizen of the World: The Late Career and Legacy of W. E. B. Du Bois, ed. Phillip Luke Sinitiere (Northwestern University Press, 2019), 227-266.
“‘If we neglect to mark this history, it may be distorted or forgotten’: Socialism and Democracy in W. E. B. Du Bois’s Life, Thought, and Legacy,” Socialism and Democracy 32/3 (2018): 1-13. [Guest co-editor introduction on Du Bois commemorative issue co-written with Edward Carson and Gerald Horne]
“‘There must be no idle mourning’: W. E. B. Du Bois’s Legacy as a Black Radical Intellectual,” Socialism and Democracy 32/3 (2018): 207-230.
“The Aesthetic Insurgency of Sandra Bland’s Afterlife,” Souls 20/1 (2018): 122-147.
“Religion and the Black Freedom Struggle for Sandra Bland,” in “The Seedtime, the Work, and the Harvest”: New Perspectives on the Black Freedom Struggle in America, eds. Reginald K. Ellis, Jeffrey Littlejohn, and Peter Levy (University Press of Florida, 2018), 197-226.
“‘Outline of Report on Economic Condition of the Negroes in the State of Texas’: W. E. B. Du Bois’ 1935 Speech at Prairie View State College,” Phylon 54/1 (Summer 2017): 3-24.
“Leadership for Democracy and Peace: W. E. B. Du Bois’s Legacy as a Pan-African Intellectual,” in Leadership in Colonial Africa: Disruption of Traditional Frameworks and Patterns, ed. Baba J. Jallow (Palgrave Macmillan, 2014), 202-239.
“W. E. B. Du Bois’s Prophetic Propaganda: Religion and The Crisis, 1910-1934,” in Protest and Propaganda: W. E. B. Du Bois, The Crisis and American History, eds. Amy Helene Kirschke and Phillip Luke Sinitiere (University of Missouri Press, 2014), 190-207.
“Epilogue” (co-authored with Amy Helene Kirschke), in Protest and Propaganda: W. E. B. Du Bois, The Crisis and American History, eds. Amy Helene Kirschke and Phillip Luke Sinitiere (University of Missouri Press, 2014), 241-254.
“W. E. B. Du Bois as Print Propagandist” (co-authored with Amy Helene Kirschke), in Protest and Propaganda: W. E. B. Du Bois, The Crisis and American History, eds. Amy Helene Kirschke and Phillip Luke Sinitiere (University of Missouri Press, 2014), 28-48.
“Will the Evangelical Church Remove the Color Line?: Historical Reflections on Divided by Faith,” Christian Scholar’s Review XLIII/1 (Fall 2013): 41-63.
“Introduction” (co-authored with J. Russell Hawkins), in Christians and the Color Line: Race and Religion After Divided by Faith, eds. J. Russell Hawkins and Phillip Luke Sinitiere (Oxford University Press, 2013), 1-11.
“Preaching the Good News Glad: Joel Osteen’s Tel-e-vangelism,” in Global and Local Televangelism, eds. Pradip Ninian Thomas and Philip Lee (Palgrave Macmillan, 2012), 87-107.
“Of Faith and Fiction: Teaching W. E. B. Du Bois and Religion,” The History Teacher 45/3 (May 2012): 421-436.
“From the Oasis of Love to Your Best Life Now: A Brief History of Lakewood Church,” Houston History 8/3 (Summer 2011): 2-9.
“Of Borders and Boundaries: World History, World Christianity, and the Pedagogy of Religion,” World History Bulletin 23/1 (Spring 2007): 7-14.
“Catholic Evangelicals and Ancient Christianity,” in Vatican II Forty Years Later: Envisioning the Church of the Future, ed. William Madges (Orbis, 2006), 340-67.
Scholarly Interviews: Alys Eve Weinbaum and Phillip Luke Sinitiere, “On W.E.B. Du Bois’s ‘Feminist, anti-racist, anti-imperialist politics’ – An Interview,” Socialism and Democracy 32/3 (2018): 243-250.
Whitney Battle-Baptiste and Phillip Luke Sinitiere, “Excavating History and a Homeplace: An Interview on W.E.B. Du Bois’s Impact, Influence, and Legacy,” Socialism and Democracy 32/3 (2018): 251-258.
Yunxiang Gao and Phillip Luke Sinitiere, “New Dimensions of Sino-American Relations and Black Internationalism: An Interview about W.E.B. Du Bois, Shirley Graham Du Bois, and China,” Socialism and Democracy 32/3 (2018): 259-266.
Jarvis Tyner, Phillip Luke Sinitiere, and Edward Carson, “‘We never capitulated on our right to dissent, to be Communist, socialist, left, and radical’: An Interview with Jarvis Tyner on W.E.B. Du Bois, the DuBois Clubs, and Black Liberation,” Socialism and Democracy 32/3 (2018): 267-273.
Reference Volumes: "Du Bois's Involvement in African Affairs and Pan-Africanism" (6000 words), in The Oxford Handbook of W. E. B. Du Bois, eds. Aldon Morris, Walter Allen, Karida Brown, Dan S. Green, Marcus Hunter, Cheryl Johnson-Odim, Michael Schwartz (Oxford University Press, 2023, online)
“The Brownies’ Book" (1000 words), in Encyclopedia of the Harlem Renaissance, eds. Venetria Patton and Kwakiutl Dreher (ABC-CLIO, forthcoming)
“African American Evangelicalism” (1500 words), “Evangelicals and the Civil Rights Movement” (1000 words), “Mark Noll” (600 words), “National Black Evangelical Association” (600 words), “Joel Osteen” (900 words), in Evangelical America: An Encyclopedia of Contemporary American Religious Culture, eds. Timothy Demy and Paul R. Shockley (ABC-CLIO, 2017)
“Christianity and the Environment” (1000 words), “John Osteen” (700 words), “Joel Osteen” (700 words), and “Televangelism: Radio and Television” (7000 words), in Encyclopedia of Christianity in the United States, eds. George Thomas Kurian and Mark A. Lamport (Roman & Littlefield, 2017)
“Lakewood Church” (14,000 words), World Religions & Spiritualities Project, ed. David Bromley (2016)
Digital Scholarly and Public Writing: "Praying Black Liberation with W.E.B. Du Bois," Berkeley Forum, January 6, 2022
"Resisting Repression: W.E.B. Du Bois and the Age of Global Surveillance," Readex Report15/2 (November 2020)
"Paper Chase: How W.E.B. Du Bois's Archive Came to UMass," Bookmark Magazine (November 2020): 34-37
“Making Material Memories: Transformative Moments in W. E. B. Du Bois’s Archive,” The Activist History Review (December 27, 2018)
“‘Most pleasant to the ear’: W. E. B. Du Bois’s Itinerant Intellectual Soundscapes,” Sounding Out! (August 13, 2018), *Top TenSounding Out! post of 2018 (Ranked #7)
The American Yawp (Stanford University Press, 2018) Contributor: Chapter 20, “The Progressive Era” (on Booker T. Washington and W. E. B. Du Bois)
Poetry: "A World Series/of Puns," NINE: A Journal of Baseball History and Culture 27/1-2 (Fall-Spring 2018-2019): 1-3 “A Literary Libation on Sandra Bland Parkway,” in Our Voices Our Stories: An Anthology of Writings Advancing, Celebrating, Embracing and Empowering Girls and Women of Color, ed. Donnamaria Culbreth (Complexity Publishing, 2019), 175. “When W. E. B. Turned 150,” Socialism and Democracy 32/3 (2018): 234-236 “A Liturgy of More,” Edify Fiction 2/5 (2018): 85-87 “Emotion’s Oxygen,” One Sentence Poems (December 2017) “Ecology of Concrete,” Glass Mountain/Shards (Fall 2017) “Revolution’s Resolution” and “Emergency Management,” Beacon (Fall 2017) “The Day Nonviolence Handcuffed Bull Connor on TV,” Beacon (Spring 2017): 32 “Wordplay: A Love Poem to Puns,” Beacon (Spring 2016): 18-20
Conference Papers: 2018 “W. E. B. Du Bois’s Legacy as a Black Radical Intellectual, ca. 1980s-1990s,” African American Intellectual History Society Annual Conference, Brandeis University (March 2018); organized panel: “W. E. B. Du Bois’s Black Thought @ 150: History, Memory, Literature & Politics”
“‘Dialect of the Soul’: W. E. B. Du Bois and Poetry,” Symposium Examining Race and Economic Inequality on the 150th Anniversary of the Birth of W. E. B. Du Bois and the 50th Anniversary of the Assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr., Clark Atlanta University (February 2018)
2017 “The Ruminations of an Environmental Intellectual: W. E. B. Du Bois and Nature,” Society for Values in Higher Education Annual Conference, Simmons College (July 2017)
“W. E. B. Du Bois and Negro History Week, 1934-1962,” African American Intellectual History Society Annual Conference, Vanderbilt University (March 2017); organized panel: “W. E. B. Du Bois and the Production of Black History”
“Religion, Black Freedom, and the Sandra Bland Movement,” Texas State Historical Association Annual Meeting, Houston (March 2017)
“The Lone Star State's Prosperity Gospel: Mapping Megachurches and Meaning,” Religions Texas: Mapping Diversity Consultation, University of Texas at Austin (January 2017)
2016 “The Smiling Preacher’s Spouse: The Cultural Performance of Victoria Osteen’s Prosperity Gospel,” American Academy of Religion National Meeting, San Antonio (November 2016)
“Environmental Intellectual: W. E. B. Du Bois and Nature,” African American Intellectual History Society Annual Conference, UNC Chapel Hill (March 2016); organized panel: “W.E.B. Du Bois and American History”
2015 “A Place at the Table: W. E. B. Du Bois, Nature, and Food History,” Moral Cultures of Food Conference, University of North Texas (April 2015)
“‘I am always astonished again and newly inspired when I come here’: W. E. B. Du Bois, Prairie View State College, and the Black Freedom Struggle,” East Texas Historical Association Spring Meeting, Houston (February 2015)
2014 “‘A Historian Born Again as a Sociologist’: Andrew Chesnut’s Religious Economy of Contemporary Religion,” American Academy of Religion Southwest Region Meeting, Dallas (March 2014); panel participant on scholarship of R. Andrew Chesnut
2013 “The Sword of the Lord: Joel Osteen’s Critics and American Evangelicalism,” American Academy of Religion Southwest Region Meeting, Dallas (March 2013); organized panel: “Pondering the Prosperity Gospel”
2012 “John Osteen and the Oasis of Love: Lakewood Church in American Religious History,” Society for Pentecostal Studies Annual Meeting, Regent University (March 2012)
“Dietrich Bonhoffer Across the Color Line,” American Academy of Religion Southwest Region Meeting, Dallas (March 2012); organized panel: “Religion and the Harlem Renaissance”
2011 “Literary Lamentations, Prophetic Poetry, and Spiritual Speeches: W. E. B. Du Bois, Religion, and the Cold War,” Organization of American Historians Annual Meeting, Houston (March 2011); organized panel: “W. E. B. Du Bois in History and Memory: Reconsidering W. E. B. Du Bois’s Late Career and Beyond”
2010 “Will the Evangelical Church Remove the Color Line?: Historical Reflections on Divided by Faith,” Divided by Faith: A Retrospective Conference, Indiana Wesleyan University (October 2010)
“The Prophetic Propaganda of W. E. B. Du Bois: Religion and The Crisis, 1910-1934,” American Historical Association Annual Meeting, San Diego (January 2010); organized panel: “One Hundred Years of Crisis: Centennial Reflections on the NAACP, its Magazine, and its Place in American History”
2009 “God(s) Around the Globe, Christ Across the Continents: W. E. B. Du Bois, Religion, and World History,” World History Association Annual Meeting, Salem State University, Massachusetts (June 2009); organized panel: “American Religious History in Global Perspective: Snapshots of Faith from Africa, African America, Mexican America, and the Caribbean”
2008 “Sermons in the City, Parables of a Prophet: W. E. B. Du Bois, Religion, and The Crisis, 1910-1934,” Urban History Association Annual Meeting, Houston (November 2008)
2007 “Bigger is Better: Joel Osteen, Lakewood Church, and America’s Religious Marketplace,” American Historical Association Annual Meeting, Atlanta (January 2007)
2005 “Africa in World History and World History in Africa: Sudanese Dimensions in the Classroom,” World History Association Conference, Al Akhawayn University, Morocco (June 2005)
2004 “Early Desert Christianity in African-American Relief,” American Academy of Religion Southwestern Region Meeting (March 2004)
2003 “The Dismissal of Jonathan Edwards: Reflections on ‘A Farewell Sermon.’” American Academy of Religion Southwestern Region Meeting (March 2003); Chair, History of Christianity Session on “Jonathan Edwards”
Invited Presentations:
2024 "Scissors, Silhouettes, and Stencils: Yolande Du Bois's Artistic Imagination," W.E.B. Du Bois Center, UMass Amherst (April 2024)
"Yolande Du Bois: Harlem Renaissance Artist and Writer," The Governor's Academy (February 2024)
"Historical Reflections on W.E.B. Du Bois and Religion in America," The Governor's Academy (February 2024)
2023 "'I have lived within the gravitational field of Dr. Du Bois' genius': Reflections on Recent Research," W.E.B. Du Bois Center, UMass Amherst (August 2023)
2022 "W.E.B. Du Bois's Archives: An Intellectual and Cultural History," W.E.B. Du Bois Annual Lecture, University of Massachusetts Amherst (July 2022)
2020 "Freedom Writer: W. E. B. Du Bois's Liberation Journalism," Scoville Memorial Library, Salisbury, CT (February 2020)
“Rebellion Against Repression: W. E. B. Du Bois and the Cold War,” The Governor’s Academy (February 2020)
2019 "Remembering History: Commemorating W. E. B. Du Bois's Legacy," UMass Du Bois Visiting Scholar Lecture (October 2019)
"Intellectual Freedom and Economic Democracy: W. E. B. Du Bois and Prairie View State College," Prairie View A & M University Preservation Week Keynote (April 2019)
“Art and Activism in the Sandra Bland Movement,” The Governor’s Academy (April 2019)
“Religion, Black Lives Matter, and the Sandra Bland Movement,” The Governor’s Academy (April 2019)
"Resisting Repression: W. E. B. Du Bois's Relationship to Cold War Surveillance," W. E. B. Du Bois Legacy Lecture Series, Great Barrington, Massachusetts (March 2019)
“Sojourning Through the South: W. E. B. Du Bois and Prairie View State College,” UMass Du Bois Visiting Scholar Lecture (March 2019)
“Resisting Repression: W. E. B. Du Bois and the Cold War Surveillance State,” Sam Houston State University, 2019 Black History Month Keynote (February 2019)
2018 “The Sandra Bland Movement: A Short History,” Center for Marxist Education, Boston (July 2018)
2017 “‘Blessed are the Peacemakers for they shall be called Communists’: W. E. B. Du Bois and American Religious Culture, 1935-1963,” Center for Marxist Education, Boston (July 2017)
“Joel Osteen, Lakewood Church, and American Christianity,” University of the Incarnate Word (April 2017)
“‘I am always astonished again and newly inspired when I come here’: W. E. B. Du Bois, Texas, and Black Freedom History,” African American Library at the Gregory School (January 2017)
2016 Keynote, “Freedom Fighter in the Lone Star State: W. E. B. Du Bois and Texas.” Summer Workshop on African American Texas History (SWATH), Texas Southern University (July 2016)
“Salvation with a Smile: Joel Osteen, Lakewood Church, and American Religion,” Lone Star Book Festival, Houston (April 2016)
“‘I am always astonished again and newly inspired when I come here’: W. E. B. Du Bois and the Black Freedom Struggle in Texas,” Black History Month Finale, San Jacinto College (February 2016)
2015 “‘Blessed are the Peacemakers for they shall be called Communists’: W. E. B. Du Bois and American Religious Culture, 1935-1963,” African American Intellectual History Society Workshop, Mississippi State University (November 2015)
“Forging Freedom in Thought, Word, and Deed: W. E. B. Du Bois’s Life and Times,” Darrington Unit, Texas Department of Corrections (April 2015)
2013 Panelist, “Turning Points in American History: MLK’s Letter from Birmingham Jail,” Houston Baptist University (October 2013)
Presenter, “Salvation with a Smile: Joel Osteen, Lakewood Church, and American Evangelicalism,” University of Texas Religious Studies Colloquium (October 2013)
“W. E. B. Du Bois and Racial Justice in the Lone Star State,” African American Library at the Gregory School, Houston (September 2013)
“W. E. B. Du Bois and the Black Freedom Struggle in Texas,” Rice University (September 2013)
2010 “W. E. B. Du Bois, Religion, and the Black Diaspora,” Black History Month Lecture, Sam Houston State University (February 2010)
“Finding the Past in the Present: W. E. B. Du Bois for a New Century,” Keynote Address, NAACP Banquet, Sam Houston State University (February 2010)
2009 “‘The Lone Voice in the Wilderness, the Prophet without Honor’: Reflections on Religion and the Life of W. E. B. Du Bois,” University of Massachusetts-Amherst (October 2009)
“The Prophetic Propaganda of W. E. B. Du Bois: Religion and TheCrisis, 1910-1934,” Commemorating a Centennial: The NAACP at 100 Symposium, Sam Houston State University (February 2009)
2006 “Finding the Past in the Present: W. E. B. Du Bois for a New Century,” Keynote Address, NAACP Banquet, Sam Houston State University (February 2010)
Scholarly Blog Interviews: 2018 Sandra Staton-Taiwo, Broad Sympathies in a Narrow World: The Legacy of W. E. B. Du Bois (Broadside Lotus Press, 2018) Joseph Vogel, James Baldwin and the 1980s: Witnessing the Reagan Era (Illinois, 2018) Simone John, Testify (Octupus, 2017) Whitney Battle-Baptiste and Britt Rusert, eds.,W. E. B. Du Bois’s Data Portraits: Visualizing Black America (Princeton Architectural Press, 2018)
2017 Douglas Field, All Those Strangers: The Art and Lives of James Baldwin (Oxford, 2016)
2016 Bill Mullen, Un-American: W. E. B. Du Bois and the Century of World Revolution (Temple, 2015)
2015 Lindsey Swindall, The Path to the Greater, Freer, Truer World: Southern Civil Rights and Anticolonialism, 1937-1955 (Florida, 2014) Christopher Rios, After the Monkey Trial: Evangelical Scientists and a New Creationism (Fordham, 2014) Sean McCloud, American Possessions: Fighting Demons in the United States (Oxford, 2015) Michael J. McVicar, Christian Reconstruction: R. J. Rushdoony and American Religious Conservatism (Oxford, 2015): Parts 1, 2
2014 Anthony Pinn, Reading God's Obituary: How a Good Methodist Became a Better Atheist (Prometheus, 2014): Parts 1, 2 2013 Kate Bowler, Blessed: A History of the American Prosperity Gospel (Oxford, 2013): Parts 1, 2
2010 Amy Bass, Those About Him Remained Silent: The Battle over W. E. B. Du Bois (Minnesota, 2009): Parts 1, 2 Daniel K. Williams, God's Own Party: The Making of the Christian Right (Oxford, 2010): Parts 1, 2
2009 John Fea, The Way of Improvement Leads Home: Philip Vickers Fithian and the Rural Enlightenment in Early America (Pennsylvania, 2008): Parts 1, 2 Curtis J. Evans, The Burden of Black Religion (Oxford, 2008): Parts 1, 2, 3 Gerald Horne, W. E. B. Du Bois: A Biography (Greenwood, 2009): Parts 1, 2
2008 Edward J. Blum, W. E. B. Du Bois: American Prophet (Pennsylvania, 2007): Parts 1, 2 Thomas S. Kidd, The Great Awakening: The Roots of Evangelical Christianity in Colonial America (Yale, 2007): Parts 1, 2, 3
2007 Edward J. Blum, W. E. B. Du Bois: American Prophet (Pennsylvania, 2007): Parts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
Awards: W. E. B. Du Bois Visiting Scholar Fellowship, University of Massachusetts Amherst (2019-2020)
Atlanta University Center Travel Award, Clark Atlanta University (2019)
W. E. B. Du Bois Visiting Scholar Fellowship, University of Massachusetts Amherst (2018-2019)
Mary Jo Small Fellowship, Society for Values in Higher Education, University of Washington (2018; deferred to 2019)
Conference Travel Grant, The Fund for the Advancement of the Discipline, Clark Atlanta University (2018)
Mary Jo Small Fellowship, Society for Values in Higher Education (2017)
Participant and Presenter, Summer Workshop on African American Texas History (SWATH), Texas Southern University (July 2016)
Participant, Calvin College Seminar (Summer 2016), “Bodies of Christ: Visualizing Jesus Then & Now” (led by Edward J. Blum, San Diego State University)
Participant, Summer Workshop on African American Texas History (SWATH), Texas Southern University (July 2015)
Strategic Planning Research Award (Campus Diversity/Faculty Development), College of Biblical Studies (2013)
Scholar-in-Residence, African American Library at the Gregory School, Houston (2013)
Participant, Calvin College Seminar (Summer 2011), “Congregations and Social Change” (led by Gerardo Marti, Davidson College)
Participant, Calvin College Seminar (Summer 2010), “The Power of Race in American Religion” (led by Michael Emerson, Rice University)
Freedom Fighter Award, NAACP-SHSU Chapter Unit 6816 (Fall 2009)
Participant, Colonial Society of Massachusetts Graduate Student Forum (2009)
Joseph B. Whitehead Educator of Distinction Award (2008)
State Finalist, Preserve America/Gilder Lehrman History Teacher of the Year Award (2008)
Murray Miller Dissertation Fellowship, UH History Department (2006-2007)
Outstanding Graduate Student, UH History Department (2005-2006)
Winner, 2005 World History Association/Phi Alpha Theta Student Paper in World History Prize, “Navigating the Indian Ocean: Exploring the Textures of an African Diaspora”
Participant, Gilder Lehrman Institute for American History Summer Teacher Seminar (July 2004), “Religious Movements in American History,” Huntington Library (led by Daniel Walker Howe, UCLA)
Winner, Zeta Kappa Award, Phi Alpha Theta Graduate Essay Contest, UH (2003-2004), “Islam in Africa: Intersections, Negotiations, and Mystical Spaces in Sufism”
Arts and Sciences Scholar, SHSU (2000-2001)
Academic Affairs Scholar, SHSU (1999-2001)
Book Reviews: The History Teacher, Itinerario, Journal of Assyrian Academic Studies, Fides et Historia, World History Connected, Journal of the Early Republic, Education About Asia, World History Bulletin, Religious Studies Review, Sociology of Religion: A Quarterly Review, Marginalia, Journal of Southern History, National Political Science Review, Public Books
Teaching Appointments: Professor of History, College of Biblical Studies, Summer 2013-Present
Courses Taught HIST 1302: US History II (online) HIST 2321: Western Civilization I (online and on-ground) HIST 2322: Western Civilization II (online and on-ground) HIST 2323: History of Christianity I HIST 2324: History of Christianity II HIST 2325: History of African American Christianity HUMN 2305: Humanities V ENGL 2330: African American Literary Traditions
Visiting Assistant Professor of History, Sam Houston State University, Fall 2015-Summer 2016 Courses Taught HIST 1301: U.S. History to 1876 (online) HIST 1302: U.S. History from 1876 HIST 3360: American Religious History HIST 3393: African American History HIST 5340: Recent African American History (online) HIST 5378: American Cultural and Religious History (online)
Graduate Students Grant Schreiber (MA comps committee); Matt Carmichael (MA comps, thesis committee; Thesis: “Religion and the Oregon Territory, 1830-1850”); Paul Zoch (thesis committee; Thesis: “The Oblocutores at the Second Council of Lyon”)
Associate Professor of History, College of Biblical Studies, Fall 2011-Spring 2013 Courses Taught HIST 2321: Western Civilization I HIST 2322: Western Civilization II HIST 2323: History of Christianity I HIST 2324: History of Christianity II HIST 2325: History of African American Christianity HUMN 2305: Humanities V
Student Advising MA Thesis Committee, Matt Henderson, “‘What Heaven’s Gonna Look Like’: Racial and Ethnic Diversity at Lakewood Church” (MA in Sociology, University of Houston, 2012)
Outside Reader/Advisor, Jillian Owens, “A Wide Net of Hope: Understanding the Success of Joel Osteen and Lakewood Church” (Senior Honors Thesis, Religious Studies Department UT-Austin, 2012)
Visiting Assistant Professor of History, Sam Houston State University, Fall 2009-Summer 2011 Courses Taught HIST 163: U.S. History to 1876 HIST 164: U.S. History from 1876 HIST 266: World History Renaissance to Imperialism HIST 333: Religion in World History HIST 360: American Religious History HIST 378: The Emergence of Modern America, 1877-1945 HIST 475: Historical Memory and American Culture (independent study) HIST 475: Religion in American Culture (independent study)
Adjunct Instructor, University of Houston (Summer 2007, Summer 2008) Course Taught HIST 4394: American Religious History
Adjunct Instructor, Houston Baptist University (Winter Term 2006) Course Taught HIST 2313: U. S. History to 1877
Pre-Collegiate Teaching Appointment: Instructor and Social Studies Department Chair, Second Baptist School, Fall 2001-Spring 2009 Courses Taught U.S. History World History Western Civilization Advanced Placement Western Civilization
Community and University Service: Member, Oneness Committee, College of Biblical Studies (2018-2019)
Member, “Resilient Houston: Documenting Harvey” Oral History Project, University of Houston (2017-Present)
“#SayHerName: The Sandra Bland Movement,” Sam Houston State University (2016, 2017)
Quality Enhancement Plan Committee, College of Biblical Studies (2014-2015)
Faculty Committee, College of Biblical Studies (2013-2014)
Library Committee, College of Biblical Studies (2013-2014)
Strategic Planning Facilitator for Campus Diversity and Faculty Development, College of Biblical Studies (2013)
Discussion Leader, SHSU Constitution Day (2010)
SHSU Black History Month Events Committee (2010-2011)
Discussion Leader, SHSU Hispanic Outreach Initiative Encuentro Film Series (2010)
Co-coordinator, “Imperative to Act: Sudan and Darfur” (co-sponsored by the Boniuk Center for Religious Tolerance; Houston Holocaust Museum; University of Houston History Department), Rice University (February 2006)
Curriculum Coordinator, Interdisciplinary Core, Second Baptist School (Fall 2004); Topic: Culture and History of Sudan (students read Francis Bok, Escape From Slavery [St. Martin’s, 2003])
Service to the Profession: Manuscript/Proposal Review: Journal of Classical Sociology (2024) University of Pennsylvania Press (2022) Polity Press (2021) State University of New York Press (2020) University of Oklahoma Press (2019) New York University Press (2019) Columbia University Press (2016) Oxford University Press (2010, 2014, 2016) Palgrave Macmillan (2011) Rowman & Littlefield (2014) Contexts (2013) The History Teacher (2016) Pneuma (2017) Journal of Contemporary Religion (2018)
Student Paper Prize Committee, World History Association (2010-2012)
Technical Editor, Nathan Barber, CompleteIdiot’s Guide to European History, 2nd ed. (Penguin, 2011)
Freelance copy-editor and reviewer, Black Perspectives (2016-present)
Treasurer, African American Intellectual History Society (2020-21)
Editorial Board, Global Black Thought (2024-present)
Professional Memberships: American Historical Association, American Academy of Religion, American Society of Church History, World History Association, Organization of American Historians, African American Intellectual History Society